A Journal of a Garment

A Journal of a Garment

Occasionally, we catch ourselves catering to a desire which goes against our beliefs—for instance, buying a sweater you do not need while feeling uncomfortable because you apprehend the effects of clothing overconsumption. Dalila is intrigued by this apparent cognitive dissonance about the impact of the industrial fashion system on people and the environment.

In A Journal of a Garment, Dalila focuses on the process of making a garment with attention to the material, the experience of making, and the maker. Working with participants, she aims to generate awareness of fashion being a craft through the enactment of knitting, a slow process by which your hands do intensive labour, and the implementation of gossip as an embodied method of gathering information. Together, they gossip about knitting and crafting, and get acquainted with the skill one needs to make a garment by hand, the duration of the process, and the technicalities of constructing a garment.